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Woolwich, ON – The Township of Woolwich is pleased to announce the appointment of Deanne Friess as Woolwich’s new Director of Development Services.
Woolwich, ON – Over a year ago, the Province of Ontario first declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic. The impacts of this virus have been felt not only in Ontario, but across Canada and the world. With Ontario hopefully climbing out of yet another wave of this pandemic many community support agencies, service groups, and other local non-for-profit organizations have struggled to continue to provide the services and level of support that is truly needed for Woolwich residents.
Public information sessions on October 19
Kitchener/Waterloo/Wellesley/Wilmot/Woolwich, Ontario, October 6, 2021 – The municipal councils of Kitchener, Waterloo, Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich have approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as a first step in the proposed merger of Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro and Waterloo North Hydro. The approvals, which came on October 4 and 5, follow the October 1 announcement that Kitchener Power Corporation and Waterloo North Hydro Holding Corporation are proposing a merger of the utilities.
Woolwich, ON – The Township of Woolwich is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff Smith as Woolwich’s new Director of Corporate Services/Municipal Clerk.
Area municipalities asking patrons to ‘check before you rec’
Waterloo Region –?As required by the Province of Ontario, beginning September 22, municipalities across Waterloo Region will require all individuals entering an indoor municipal recreation facility or community centre to provide proof of full vaccination along with identification.
Woolwich, ON – With the health and safety of employees and the public as the top priority, the Township of Woolwich is implementing a mandatory vaccination policy that requires staff to disclose their vaccination status by September 22, 2021. Staff who are not vaccinated, or choose not to disclose their vaccination status, will be required to undergo education on the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination, as well as participate in a rapid antigen testing program.
Woolwich, ON – The Township of Woolwich is pleased to announce the appointment of Dennis Aldous as Woolwich’s new Township Fire Chief.
North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich, ON – After a successful event in 2020, the popular dining event will return again this fall!
Woolwich, ON – Today, the Downtown Elmira BIA (“BIA”) and the Township of Woolwich are happy to announce that the Elmira Art Exhibit (“EAE”) is open for the public to enjoy! This outdoor art project aims to positively impact both the arts and culture industry and local business community by showcasing ten pieces of public art to the downtown.
Waterloo Region – Area municipalities across Waterloo region, remind residents to keep safety top of mind as well being a good neighbour when setting of fireworks this Canada Day.
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