The Official Plan is the long-term policy document that guides our community's growth and land use. It sets out goals for housing, transportation, and environmental protection, ensuring development aligns with sustainability and complies with provincial and local policies.
Planning & Development
The Planning Section of Development Services is responsible for preparing planning policies and managing key documents, including the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. It oversees the processing and evaluation of development applications to ensure conformity with provincial, local, and other government policies.
Visit the Planning Public Calendar or the Engage WR page to view information on some of the applications currently being processed.
Policy Documents
These policies offer an overview of key guidelines and regulations shaping development in the Township. They provide essential information on housing, land use, transportation, and community standards, helping residents and developers understand the Township’s goals for sustainable growth and community well-being. Explore the links below.
Summary of Fees
Select the link below to view the list of Planning application fees, including for the Committee of Adjustment, Official Plan Amendments, Zone Change Applications, and Site Plan Applications:
Visit the By-laws pages to view other development application fees.
Development Applications
Below is a list of the various development applications that are processed by Planning staff. Certain applications require the applicant to meet with Township and Regional staff ahead of making a formal application. Please review the Pre-application Consultation information below to determine what steps you may need to follow prior to making a formal application.
Pre-application Consultation Meeting Request
If you are planning to apply for an:
- Official Plan Amendment;
- Zone Change;
- Plan of Subdivision;
- Site Plan Approval;
- Minor Variance; or
- Consent (Severance)
for your property, you are required to discuss the proposal with Township and/or Regional staff through a pre-application consultation meeting, ahead of making a formal application. Please complete the necessary meeting request form and submit it to Planning staff for review. Once received Planning staff will contact you to advise the applicable pre-application meeting fee and steps to move forward.
Pre-application Consultation Meeting Request Form (including the Region of Waterloo Environmental Site Screening Questionnaire
Step-by-Step Application Guides and Timelines
Accessory Dwelling Units
Are you looking to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (A.D.U.)? Explore our Accessory Dwelling Unit Information Package to help guide you through the process of planning, designing, and building your A.D.U. Visit our Accessory Dwelling Unit webpage to learn more!
Effective September 1, 2024, all A.D.U. applications must obtain a Zoning Compliance Certificate prior to applying for a Building Permit.
Zoning Compliance Certificate
Are you planning to start a home-based business or establish/change a commercial or industrial business? See the new regulations for establishing a home business for a tradesperson on Agricultural properties that are 6 hectares or less in area.
Please contact Planning staff to discuss the necessary requirements and how to obtain a Zoning Compliance Certificate.
Compliance Letter
A compliance letter is normally for mortgage renewals and property sales. It offers information on the Official Plan and Zoning for the property and comments on any open building permits. A compliance letter can be requested through a written letter and submitted with the fee to Development Services Staff.
Planning Department
24 Church Street West
P.O. Box 158
Elmira ON, N3B 2Z6
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