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Accessory Dwelling Units

Under the Township's Zoning By-law, all Secondary Suites, Granny Flats, In-Law Suites, Garden Suites, Basement Suites and similar uses are classed as Accessory Dwelling Units (A.D.U.). The Zoning By-law permits up to two A.D.U.'s on properties within specific zones that can accommodate a residential dwelling. 

The first step to constructing an ADU is obtaining a Zoning Compliance Certificate from the Township's Planning Services. Once the Zoning Compliance Certificate is issued, you can apply for a Building Permit with the Zoning Compliance Certificate as one of the required documents.

Explore the information below to determine your Zone and the applicable Zoning provisions for your property.

Getting Started

First, it is necessary to determine the Zoning of the property to ensure that the zone permits an Accessory Dwelling Unit. 

To determine the property’s zoning, use our Zoning By-law Map and use the search function to find your property. 

For guidance, follow the directions on the left-hand side of the Zoning By-law Map Viewer.

Once you have identified your zone, please proceed to the drop downs below and select the corresponding zone. If the zone of the property is not listed below, an Accessory Dwelling Unit is not permitted. The information below details general provisions as well as specific provisions relating to Attached A.D.U.'s and Detached A.D.U.'s. Please ensure you follow the correct provisions for your proposed A.D.U. 

Accessory Dwelling Units (A.D.U.):

A separate, self-contained dwelling unit which is subordinate to and located within the principle dwelling unit and/or permitted accessory building located on the same lot.

Dwelling Units:

A room or group of rooms occupied or designed to be occupied for human habitation which provides cooking, sleeping and sanitation facilities for one or more persons living as an independent and separate housekeeping establishment with independent access and which may include those accessory uses specifically permitted by this By-law.

Floor Area:

The area between exterior walls and firewalls, including interior walls, but excluding exits, service spaces, and areas such as garages, carports, porches, decks, terraces, unheated sunrooms, balconies, and spaces with ceilings under 1.95 metres tall.

Building Lot Coverage:

The percentage of the lot area covered by all 
buildings on the property, including covered front porches, but excluding swimming pools, rear or side decks, uncovered front porches, patios, ground-mounted or wall attached mechanical equipment, children play-structures and flag poles and landscaping.

Building Size:

The total area of a lot covered or intended to be covered by the 
proposed building.

For precise and complete definitions, as well as additional terms, please refer to Section 3 of the Township's Zoning By-law.

General Regulations

    • A maximum of 2 bedrooms are permitted.
    • One parking space is required per unit on the property.
      • Parking spaces must measure 5.5 metres by 2.75 metres outdoors, or 3.35 by 5.5 metres in a garage. 

Attached A.D.U. - (Basement units, additions, or second floors)

    • A.D.U. must not exceed 95 square metres or 40% of the floor area of the primary dwelling, whichever is lesser.
    • If located in a basement, an A.D.U. is permitted to occupy the entire basement.
    • A basement A.D.U. with a new below grade entrance will likely require a grading plan. 

Detached A.D.U. - (Garden suites, tiny houses, or mobile homes)

    • A.D.U. must not exceed 95 square metres of floor area, and 112 square metres in building size. Maximum lot coverage of 20%. An Accessory Building is permitted 
      in addition to an A.D.U. 
    • Alternatively, mobile homes are permitted and are restricted to a maximum width of two sections each measuring 4.88 metres (16 feet).
    • Peaked Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 4.5 metres, and Flat Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 3.7 metres.
    • Most detached A.D.U.'s that impact surrounding soil will require a grading plan.
    • Must be located within 30 metres of the farm cluster.
    • Must be located in the side or rear yard and maintain a 4 metre rear yard setback as well as a 1.2 metre side yard setback. 

Minimum Distance Separation (MDS)

    • All proposed A.D.U.'s not contained within the primary dwelling will need to complete and submit a MDS calculation to the Township. 

General Regulations

    • A maximum of 2 bedrooms are permitted.
    • One parking space is required per unit on the property.
      • Parking spaces must measure 5.5 metres by 2.75 metres outdoors, or 3.35 by 5.5 metres in a garage.

Attached ADU - (Basement units, additions, or second floors)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres or 40% of the floor area of the primary dwelling, whichever is lesser.
    • If located in a basement, an ADU is permitted to occupy the entire basement.
    • Allowable height of 10.5 metres maximum. 

Detached ADU - (Garden suites, tiny houses, or mobile homes)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres of floor area, and 100 square metres of building size. Maximum lot coverage of 30%. An ADU is permitted in addition to an Accessory Building. 
    • Peaked Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 4.5 metres, and Flat Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 3.7 metres.
    • Most detached ADU's that are impacting the surrounding soil will require a lot grading plan.
    • Must be located in the side or rear yard and maintain a 4 metre rear yard setback as well as a 1.2 metre side yard setback.

General Regulations

    • A maximum of 2 bedrooms are permitted.
    • One parking space is required per unit on the property.
      • Parking spaces must measure 5.5 metres by 2.75 metres outdoors, or 3.35 by 5.5 metres in a garage.

Attached ADU - (Basement units, additions, or second floors)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres or 40% of the floor area of the primary dwelling, whichever is lesser.
    • If located in a basement, an ADU is permitted to occupy the entire basement.
    • Allowable height of 10.5 metres maximum. 

Detached ADU - (Garden suites, tiny houses, or mobile homes)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres of floor area. Accessory Buildings must not total more than 70 square metres of building size. Maximum lot coverage of 50%.
    • Peaked Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 4.5 metres, and Flat Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 3.7 metres.
    • Most detached ADU's that are impacting the surrounding soil will require a lot grading plan.
    • Must be located in the side or rear yard and maintain a 4 metre rear yard setback as well as a 1.2 metre side yard setback.

General Regulations

    • A maximum of 2 bedrooms are permitted.
    • One parking space is required per unit on the property.
      • Parking spaces must measure 5.5 metres by 2.75 metres outdoors, or 3.35 by 5.5 metres in a garage.

Attached ADU - (Basement units, additions, or second floors)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres or 40% of the floor area of the primary dwelling, whichever is lesser.
    • If located in a basement, an ADU is permitted to occupy the entire basement.
    • Allowable height of 10.5 metres maximum. 

Detached ADU - (Garden suites, tiny houses, or mobile homes)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres of floor area. Accessory Buildings must not total more than 10% of the lot area or 70 square metres of building size, whichever is lesser. Maximum lot coverage of 60%.
    • Peaked Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 4.5 metres, and Flat Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 3.7 metres.
    • Most detached ADU's that are impacting the surrounding soil will require a lot grading plan.
    • Must be located in the side or rear yard and maintain a 4 metre rear yard setback as well as a 1.2 metre side yard setback.

General Regulations

    • A maximum of 2 bedrooms are permitted.
    • One parking space is required per unit on the property.
      • Parking spaces must measure 5.5 metres by 2.75 metres outdoors, or 3.35 by 5.5 metres in a garage.

Attached ADU - (Basement units, additions, or second floors)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres or 40% of the floor area of the primary dwelling, whichever is lesser.
    • If located in a basement, an ADU is permitted to occupy the entire basement.
    • Allowable height of 12.5 metres maximum.

Detached ADU - (Garden suites, tiny houses, or mobile homes)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres of floor area. Accessory Buildings must not total more than 15 square metres of building size. Maximum lot coverage of 60%.
    • Peaked Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 4.5 metres, and Flat Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 3.7 metres.
    • Most detached ADU's that are impacting the surrounding soil will require a lot grading plan.
    • Must be located in the side or rear yard and maintain a 4 metre rear yard setback as well as a 1.2 metre side yard setback.

General Regulations

    • A maximum of 2 bedrooms are permitted.
    • One parking space is required per unit on the property.
      • Parking spaces must measure 5.5 metres by 2.75 metres outdoors, or 3.35 by 5.5 metres in a garage.

Attached ADU - (Basement units, additions, or second floors)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres or 40% of the floor area of the primary dwelling, whichever is lesser.
    • If located in a basement, an ADU is permitted to occupy the entire basement.

Detached ADU - (Garden suites, tiny houses, or mobile homes)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres of floor area. Accessory Buildings must not total more than 10% of the lot area or 70 square metres of building size, whichever is lesser. Maximum lot coverage of 40%.
    • Peaked Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 4.5 metres, and Flat Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 3.7 metres.
    • Most detached ADU's that are impacting the surrounding soil will require a lot grading plan.
    • Must be located in the side or rear yard and maintain a 4 metre rear yard setback as well as a 1.2 metre side yard setback.

General Regulations

    • A maximum of 2 bedrooms are permitted.
    • One parking space is required per unit on the property.
      • Parking spaces must measure 5.5 metres by 2.75 metres outdoors, or 3.35 by 5.5 metres in a garage.

Attached ADU - (Basement units, additions, or second floors)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres or 40% of the floor area of the primary dwelling, whichever is lesser.
    • If located in a basement, an ADU is permitted to occupy the entire basement.

Detached ADU - (Garden suites, tiny houses, or mobile homes)

    • ADU must not exceed 95 square metres of floor area. Accessory Buildings must not total more than 10% of the lot area or 70 square metres of building size, whichever is lesser. Maximum lot coverage of 60%.
    • Peaked Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 4.5 metres, and Flat Roofs have a maximum allowable height of 3.7 metres.
    • Most detached ADU's that are impacting the surrounding soil will require a lot grading plan.
    • Must be located in the side or rear yard and maintain a 4 metre rear yard setback as well as a 1.2 metre side yard setback.

Using the above information as well as in the Information Package, you should be able to prepare a set of drawings in accordance with the requirements set out in the Information Package including a Site Plan, and a Floor Plan. An Elevation Plan will also be required if the ADU consists of a new addition to the primary dwelling, or is in a new detached structure.

Once completed, submit your Zoning Compliance Certificate application form alongside the required plans, and application review fee as identified in the Planning Fees By-law

Financial Incentives and Support

While the Township of Woolwich does not currently offer incentives for accessory dwelling units, other organizations do provide financial incentives or benefits. See below for examples of organizations offering support.

Region of Waterloo

The Region of Waterloo Secondary Suites Program in partnership with the Ontario Renovates program offers financial support to homeowners converting unused spaces into rental suites, promoting affordable housing and densification. 

Key requirements include:

        • Homeowners must comply with zoning bylaws.
        • The new suite must be self-contained and not used for short-term rentals.
        • Applicants must meet specific income and affordability guidelines.

For more details and to apply, visit the Region of Waterloo's website.

Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation (CMHC)

CMHC's Secondary Suite Loan Program helps homeowners refinance their properties to finance the creation of self-contained secondary suites, promoting densification and more rental units. This program supports homeowners who already occupy the property (or have a close relative do so) and want to add up to four units. The new suite must meet zoning requirements and cannot be used for short-term rentals.

Key requirements include:

        • Refinancing can cover only the costs of building the new unit(s).
        • The property must not exceed a value of $2 million after improvements.
        • Borrowers must have a minimum credit score of 600.

For more information, visit the Government of Canada website and CMHC website.

Contact Us

For additional information and details on requirements for ADU's, please refer back to the Zoning By-law as amended for updated requirements. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Township Planning Staff.

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