Accessory Dwelling Units (A.D.U.):
A separate, self-contained dwelling unit which is subordinate to and located within the principle dwelling unit and/or permitted accessory building located on the same lot.
Dwelling Units:
A room or group of rooms occupied or designed to be occupied for human habitation which provides cooking, sleeping and sanitation facilities for one or more persons living as an independent and separate housekeeping establishment with independent access and which may include those accessory uses specifically permitted by this By-law.
Floor Area:
The area between exterior walls and firewalls, including interior walls, but excluding exits, service spaces, and areas such as garages, carports, porches, decks, terraces, unheated sunrooms, balconies, and spaces with ceilings under 1.95 metres tall.
Building Lot Coverage:
The percentage of the lot area covered by all
buildings on the property, including covered front porches, but excluding swimming pools, rear or side decks, uncovered front porches, patios, ground-mounted or wall attached mechanical equipment, children play-structures and flag poles and landscaping.
Building Size:
The total area of a lot covered or intended to be covered by the
proposed building.