Woolwich Ends Significant Weather Event and Snow Event - Parking Ban
Woolwich Ends Significant Weather Event and Snow Event - Parking Ban - February 13
Woolwich – With weather conditions improving and the plows out working, the Township of Woolwich will end the Significant Weather Event and the Snow Event - Parking Ban.
- The Significant Weather Event will end at 5:00 p.m. today.
- The Snow Event - Parking Ban will end at 11:59 p.m. tonight
Crews were out early this morning to clear the roads and continued clearing operations throughout the day. Thanks to all roads crews for their commitment to keeping the community safe.
For information on significant weather event declarations, visit: www.woolwich.ca/WeatherEvents
For more information on the townships snow clearing and winter maintenance operations, visit www.woolwich.ca/RoadsandSidewalks
To subscribe to future significant weather declarations, visit: www.woolwich.ca/subscribe
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Woolwich Township
24 Church Street West
P.O. Box 158
Elmira ON, N3B 2Z6
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