Woolwich Declares a Significant Weather Event & Snow Event - Parking Ban
Woolwich, ON – A Significant Weather Event and a Snow Event – Parking Ban has been declared in the Township of Woolwich and will remain in effect until notice of cancellation has been issued.
A Significant Weather Event will come into effect today – Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 - at 3:00 p.m. The Township wishes to note that the declaration of a significant weather event is not notice of a reduced level of service or road closure. The declaration is to notify the public that due to the current or forecasted conditions, caution is to be observed when travelling on Township roads and that it may take longer than usual to bring the condition of the roads back to a state of repair.
A Snow Event – Parking Ban is in effect, beginning today – Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 - at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in effect for 24 hours unless extended or cancelled. Any vehicles parked on-street during the event may be ticketed and/or towed. Residents are also reminded not to push snow from their driveway onto the road or sidewalks.
For information on significant weather event declarations or snow event declarations or for information on our Winter Parking Ban, visit: www.woolwich.ca/SnowEvents
For more information on the townships snow clearing and winter maintenance operations, visit www.woolwich.ca/RoadsandSidewalks
To subscribe to future significant weather declarations, visit: www.woolwich.ca/subscribe
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Media contacts:
Rae Ann Bauman, Corporate Communications
Phone: 519-669-6021
Email: communications@woolwich.ca
Contact Us
Woolwich Township
24 Church Street West
P.O. Box 158
Elmira ON, N3B 2Z6
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