A Business Improvement Area or BIA is a geographic area in a municipality that allows local businesses and property owners to join together to make physical improvements and promote the local economy. The Council for the Township of Woolwich supports the BIAs and is responsible for appointing members to the Downtown Elmira BIA and St. Jacobs BIA as well as approving their annual budgets.
The BIA Boards of Management follow the same term of Council, with general members appointed by Council and with one member of Council supporting each board.
To become a BIA Board Member, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- property owner within the Downtown Elmira BIA boundary; or
- a business owner/tenant within the boundary; or
- an employee of a business within the boundary.
If you are interested in becoming a board member, complete the application form - be sure to select Downtown Elmira BIA in the form.