Call Before You Dig
If you are planning to dig, build, or excavate on your property, you are required by law to locate all of your utility lines first. It is important to complete this step to ensure safety for you and your community.
Should a line, pipe or wire be impacted by a dig, it can cause serious damage, and may cause you harm.
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Please notify Ontario One Call at least two weeks before you plan to dig, especially during the spring and summer months. This will ensure enough time to locate all utility information before you begin your project.
Remember to obtain the necessary permits before you start any work, for example an Entrance or Road Work Permit. Contact our Infrastructure Services Division for more information.
The Township will either clear the locate request, meaning that your work will not impact any buried infrastructure, or mark it onsite with paint, flags or stakes. When complete, you will receive a locate notice through email with the results.
Please note that the Township only completes locates for Township owned infrastructure. Locates will not be completed for private property, and you may be required to hire a private utilities locator to determine if there are other buried utility lines on your property.
Standard terms that apply to all locates
- Underground city's infrastructure must be supported at all times.
Stakes or markings may disappear or be displaced.
If any delays should occur on the locate information, a new locate must be obtained.
No person shall dig, bore, trench, grade, excavate or break ground with mechanical equipment or explosives without first ascertaining the location of any infrastructure that may be interfered with.
No person shall interfere with or damage any infrastructure without authority to do so.
Excavators must not work outside the area originally located without a further locate.
If excavation is necessary over, under, near or parallel to underground utilities, extreme caution must be observed, and the underground utilities shall be exposed by hand digging within one meter of the location given.
Mechanical excavation equipment should not be used in the vicinity of Township's utilities and the actual location of the infrastructure must be determined in advance by exposing it by hand.
If the underground infrastructure is exposed, the Township must be notified.
Locates are valid for 60 days, unless otherwise noted.
Ontario One Call
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