- Municipal Sewage (Sanitary) Collection ECA #114-W601
- Design Criteria for Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers and Forcemains for Alterations Authorized under Environmental Compliance Approval
- Form A1 – Record of Future Alteration Authorized for Equipment Discharging a Contaminant of Concern to the Atmosphere from a Municipal Sewage Collection System
- Form SS1 – Record of Future Alteration Authorized for Separate Sewers/Nominally Separate Sewers/Forcemains
- Form SS2 – Record of Future Alteration Authorized for Components of the Municipal Sewage Collection System
Stormwater Management
What is stormwater
Stormwater is runoff that flows over hard surfaces such as roads, driveways and rooftops, enters drainage systems, and then goes into creeks, ponds and wetlands. Unlike sewage, stormwater is untreated when it enters waterways.
Stormwater Ponds and Recreation
For your safety, stormwater ponds should never be used for recreational activity. Ponds:
- are meant for neighbourhood safety, not recreation
- reduce flooding, control erosion and collect pollutants
- freeze over during the winter, but the thickness of the ice is unpredictable because water is constantly flowing and may contain road salt and other contaminants
Drainage and flooding
During heavy rain or rapid snowmelt, water may pool around your house or accumulate in driveways or patios. This may lead to standing water, difficulty of water flow or unwanted water on your property.
Drainage issues are usually caused by:
- compacted soil
- filled in or blocked side yard
- backyard drainage swales
- blocked private catch basin
- incorrect grading
- improper location and installation of landscape features like a fence or flowerbeds
Managing standing or excess water using landscaping, rain-scaping techniques, proper grading and maintaining your catch basin or stormwater drainage swale will reduce surface water getting into your home. Some of these techniques qualify for the stormwater credit program.
Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI ECA)
Ontario's Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP) has recently introduced the new Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI ECA) process to replace the previous environmental compliance approvals framework for low-risk projects that meet the preauthorized criteria related to municipal wastewater and stormwater management systems. The new CLI ECA alteration approval process supersedes the Transfer of Review (ToR) Program.
Most alterations to wastewater and stormwater infrastructure will meet preauthorized design criteria that fall under the ECA process and will be reviewed and approved by the Township. Non-standard or complex infrastructure changes may still require MECP approval.
Types of Alterations
There are two types of alterations related to CLI ECA applications:
- Sanitary (sewage) collection system: all connected sewage collection works within the Township of Woolwich and owned and operated by the Township of Woolwich.
- Stormwater management system: all connected stormwater management works within the Township of Woolwich and owned and operated by the Township of Woolwich, including pipes, stormwater management facilities, cellar drains, ground water collection systems, and Low Impact Development (LID) infrastructure
When to Request an Alteration to a Township ECA
You need to request a CLI ECA alteration for the following types of projects:
- Changing, replacing, or extending sanitary sewers, storm sewers and 3rd pipe systems, including extensions into new residential developments;
- Adding a new stormwater management facility or changing existing facilities (Examples: wet pond, infiltration basins, engineered wetlands, oil grit separators, etc), and;
- Adding new equipment or changing existing equipment with emissions to air related to sanitary and storm sewers, sewage pumping stations, and/or stormwater management facilities (Examples: emergency power generators or venting for odour control).
Adding new sewage pumping stations is NOT an authorized alteration under the Township of Woolwich’s CLI ECA. This will require MECP approval.
For current fees associated with alterations to a Township of Woolwich CLI ECA, please see the Township’s Infrastructure Services Fees under the Fees and Charges By-laws.
If you are completing a CLI ECA application, please refer to the documents and forms for the respective categories below.
Sewage (Sanitary) Collection System Application Package
Stormwater Collection System Application Package
- Stormwater Management system ECA #114-S701
- Design Criteria for Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers and Forcemains for Alterations Authorized under Environmental Compliance Approval
- Form SW1 – Record of Future Alteration Authorized for Storm Sewers/Ditches/Culverts
- Form SW2 - Record of Future Alteration Authorized for Stormwater Management Facilities
- Form SW3 – Record of Future Alteration Authorized for Third Pipe Collection Systems
Lori Fox
Manager of Development Engineering
24 Church Street West
P.O. Box 158
Elmira, Ontario N3B 2Z6
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