As per Amending By-law #05-2020, the declaration of a snow event is determined through the use of credible weather forecasts and will review substantial snowfalls or freezing rain events. Snow events are not limited to certain months. For example, if forecasts predict a winter storm in May, the Township could declare a snow event.
For a list of any current snow events in effect snow event declarations news page.
Sign up to receive snow event notifications to your email.
How a Decision to Declare is Made?
Woolwich Township may declare a snow event through the use of credible weather forecasts and will review substantial snowfalls or freezing rain events.
Snow events/significant weather events are not limited to certain months. For example, if forecasts predict a winter storm in May, the Township could declare a snow event/significant weather event.
What does the Public need to do?
Parking is prohibited on any township road at any time (day or night) when the Township of Woolwich declares a snow event. Vehicles parked on-street during a significant snow event can be ticketed and possibly towed.
Enforcement will done both proactively and in conjunction with clearing operations. Vehicles will not be tagged and/or towed based on calls from the public. The fine amount for parking on-street during a snow event is $60.
Towing will only occur to the degree necessary to allow the snow clearing equipment access to the street to perform required duties. As such, it is possible that some cars will be towed from a street while others are not, even though all the cars are in violation of the by-law. Vehicle owners are responsible for all fees associated with towing in addition to the fine amount.
For information on snow plowing and sidewalk clearing, visit our Road and Sidewalks page.